Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is this???

It was very very very cold today! Holy cow, I don't remember it EVER snowing this early in the year. Of course it didn't stick but it seemed to snow most of the afternoon. We are having our annual family Halloween Party in 2 days. We have several outside games scheduled but depending on the weather we may have to keep everyone inside this year. The heavy snowfall just didn't show up in the picture. Oh well.
I'm NOT ready for this kind of COLD weather.

Halloween Dinners

I love halloween. After Christmas it is my most favorite holiday. My kids are learning to love Halloween thanks to me. This year I was prepared and once a week we had a halloween dinner. One of the first nights we had "Spaghetti and Eyeballs". I couldn't find my picture so I had to use someone elses. Ours looked very similar.
Another night we had "Shephards Ghosts". The was definetly the kids favorite so far.
" Mummy Pizza", my string cheese didn't melt as much as I thought but the look is still there. I'll do things a little differently next time.

Another picture I can't find is of our "Pancake Ghosts". I poured pancake batter into ghost shapes and put choco chips and frz. raspberries as the eyes. Suprisingly the kids didn't care for the chocolate chips but loved the raspberries. Have you any fun "halloweenish dinners"? Check back soon for picts of the food we eat at our annual Halloween Party this weekend.

Ward Halloween Party

This past friday we had our annual fall ward party. Dressing up is optional but of course the kids jump on the chance to wear a costume whenever they can. Not planning on dressing up myself I allowed my children to talk me into it. Halloween only comes around once a year right? I bought this wig 2/3 years ago on clearance for $1.50 and eye lashes for $.75 or says the price tag. I hope I looked better then what the picture tells. I was quite surpised to hear my name read out as winning "The Most Funniest Costume". Somehow I seperated my pictures. This is the kiddo's waiting in line at one of the many games offered. By this time all the hats had been thrown into the car so they wouldn't get lost.

Daddy and Brayden.

The girls this year are both being Strawberry Shortcake. I wanted to make the older version of Strawberry Shortcake that I grew up with. Maddie on the other hand wanted to look like today's version. So here she is.
No wanting to spend a ridiculous amount on a store bought costume we went through their closet and drawers and found shirts that would work. I bought both hats at a thrift store and then covered them in strawberry fabric. When Emily heard what Maddie wanted to be she too wanted to be Strawberry Shortcake. So here are my 2 beautiful girls as Strawberry Shortcake.

Hunter originally wanted to be Ike from a WII game. Looking at Ike's picture I felt a little overwhelmed and new I didn't have time to pull Ike off with out spending an arm and a leg. Thankfully I was able to change his mind to Mario. Thanks to Wal Mart I was able to find an all red hat for just $1.00, and white gloves that is missing from the picture for also a $1.00. Using felt I was able to create the M emblem on the hat. We used eye liner to draw in a mustache. Hunter let me know this was his most favorite costume ever... At our ward party Hunter won the "Most Original Costume". He was pretty pleased with himself.


Hunter is our early riser. He usually wakes up any where between 5:30 and 6:30. When he wakes up he knows he can get on the computer and play games until mom gets up, usually about 6:45. When I get up the computer goes off and it's time to get ready for school. Last week while Kory was working out of town something woke me up at about 6. I didn't hear any noise but I could see that lights had been turned on. After several minutes and still not hearing any noises I figured one of the kids must have goten up during the night and had left the light on. I got up to turn off the lights and then hit the shower before I started the day. When I walked out this is what I discovered..... The night before I had taken the kids to our library. Hunter had checked out another book in "The Magic Tree House" series. Seeing how far along he was I asked him when he had started to read. He replied that he had woken up at 4:43 (according to his clock) and couldn't go back to sleep. He grabbed his new book and was pleased with himself that he was on chapter 6. It would have been nice to have his body get a little more shut eye but I was pleased he had chosen to read a book instead of playing on the computer. Hunter has really enjoyed reading this series. I'm glad he has found a book that is teaching him to "love to read."

The end of Fall Break

To end our great Fall Break that we had, we went camping. I brought the Bumbo to keep Brayden out of the dirt, so I thought, and so he wouldn't have to be held the entire time. The Bumbo was the first thing I unloaded. On the 2nd trip back I was amazed to see that Brayden had already had his first taste of dirt! It's sad, but I think he liked it. He kept going after it and shoving it into his mouth.

Emily loved the great outdoors.

Hunter and Andrew had a great time keeping our fire well stocked.
Daddy made us some great dutch oven dinner.

We went camping with our friends the Henlines. It was great camping with other people. It was great that the kids had other kids to play with while the adults were able to visit with each other.

Maddie had a great time helping to gather fire wood.

We went to Sedona and camped so that it would be a little warmer. After the kids went to bed we had 2 creeping visitors, "skunks". It was AMAZING. These skunks must have been used to people. In the above picture you can see how close the table and fire pit were to each other. Both skunks enjoyed a late night dinner under the table and between the table and fire fit. Our neighboring camping friends and Kory tried to get the skunk to leave by walking towards it without trying to scare it but the skunk didn't seem to mind as he didn't leave. Finally Kory picked up a few pebbles and tossed them near the skunk (not at it). Mr. Skunk didn't like this as he quickly turned his back towards us and lifted his tail. He didn't spray us thankfully but hissed at us for a moment and then continued to eat. Not wanting to get sprayed we left them alone and allowed them to forage what they could around our camp site.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Look what we made today! It's Frankenstine. This week is Fall Break for Hunter and Maddie. I've tried to keep them busy and give them an enjoyable week. We have gone to the park 3x's and visisted our brand new upgraded fantastic library. We made a trip to JoAnn's so that I can start on the Halloween Costumes. We have had friends over and have gone to friends to play. It seems like since last friday we have gone somewhere everyday. Today I just wanted to stay home and do things around the house. The kids have been asking to do a Halloween project so this is what we came up with.
I took 8 pieces of newspaper and stapled them together around the 3 of the edges.The kids then filled this newspaper sack with crumpled newspaper balls.
Everyone put on their smock and we headed outside where everyone had a chance to paint. While he was drying in the sun we came inside and started cutting his features out of construction paper.

We brought Frankenstine in and glued him together. WaLa. I think they did a great job. He turned out very good!

Frankenstines hair is black paint, eyes, nose and scar construcion paper, his ears are popsicle sticks covered with aluminum foil, and his mouth is a red pipe cleaner that we had to hot glue on to make it stick. I think next week when we stock up on more newspaper we'll try making a round pumpkin. The kids want to try making a christmas tree using the same concept. I guess the ideas are endless. The kids had fun working together. Thats all that counts!

Jump, Jump, Jump

This morning we pulled out our Johnny Jump Up. Brayden is only 5 months old but we wanted to see how well he would do. He wasn't to sure about it at first, but quickly decided he liked it.
He's not exactly jumping, just turning all around. His older siblings decided to swing him which he of course didn't care too much for. So once we got the older kids preoccupied with something else he did pretty well again.

He'll get the hang of it. It's always fun to try something new for them.

Pizza, Pizza

I love it when the babies finally reach that age that they can start eating table foods. We had pizza a few weeks ago and decided to see how well Brayden would do with the crust.
He would get upset when we took a too small gnawed, slobbered piece away to give him a bigger piece. But hey, he didn't choke once!

He follows the fork from the plate to our mouths. If you move the fork close to him he jumps towards it with his mouth wide open. It's fun to watch him. I think he's having a great time eating table foods with everyone else.