This past week was our last week of swim lessons. On the way out to the car Emily crawled into the pouch underneath the stroller (where you throw towels, a diaper bag, etc.). I use to push Hunter and Maddie around like this all the time. When we got to the van I took Braydens car seat off the stroller and started to strap him in. Being I took all the top weight off when Emily tried crawling out she tipped the stroller and fell face first. She scratched her nose, bit her upperlip and saw blood. My baby girl kinda freaks when she see's blood. Her lip was immediately swollen. It was twice this size by the time I got her home to put some ice on it. Hunter brought me the camera that night as I was putting her to bed and told me I should take her picture to show everyone her booboo.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Posted by kory and tina family at 4:35 PM 1 comments
Carseat Canopy's
While I was in Utah a few weeks ago I saw a young mom with what looked to be like a blanket straped to the baby's car seat. What a genious idea. A carseat canopy is a blanket with 2 straps that velcro onto the handle bars. It keeps baby protected and covered while out and about. What I love about it is that I will no longer be that mom seen running through the parking lot chasing a fly away blanket! It is perfect for newborns, for my new borns I usually throw a blanket over the carseat. How many germs are floating around in the grocery store, Wal Mart, etc . How many times do strangers come up to touch your newborn becuase they are so little and precious? This ones a little girly.

Posted by kory and tina family at 4:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Photo Shoot
My parents have a beautifly apricot tree in there back yard. The kids spent many hours in this tree, climbing, jumping, and swinging. Before leaving for home I tried taking some picts of the kids. "Smokey" follwed Aunt Hanna and the grandkids home earlier that morning which made it very difficult to get them to cooperate for pictures. These were the best. Meet the newest addition to the Christensen Clan, "Smokey".

Posted by kory and tina family at 9:00 AM 4 comments
4th of July
For the 4th of July the kids and I were still in Utah. During the afternoon we were in Alton (where Kory is from) the kids enjoyed free ice cream cones and free train rides. The grandkids loved the train ride. Emily would only go if mom went with her.

Posted by kory and tina family at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A week at Grandma's
Kory has been working around the clock these past few weeks so the kids and I went to Grandma's to spend a week. The kids were able to do quite a bit of horseback riding. I love this picture. My girls are best of friends!

Posted by kory and tina family at 9:08 PM 3 comments
Officially "5"
Maddie celebrated her birthday a few weeks before her actuall birthday so that her best friend Amber could be present before her family moved out of state. We still needed to acknowledge this special day for Maddie. I can't believe my baby is 5. She woke up to pancakes (her favorite breakfast). Kory is working some pretty late hours so we allowed Maddie to open her gifts after breakfast.
Posted by kory and tina family at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Father's Day
We were very blessed when after several weeks of searching for work Kory was able to pick up a large project replacing several kitchens and bathrooms. However, it wasn't until after the contracts were signed that he was then told he had 6weeks to do it. My dad and brother-in-law were laid off about 2 months ago. Since they were still unemployed they both came up to help Kory meet the dead line for this job. They just happened to all be here over Father's Day. Being their families were home the kids and I wanted to do something to acknowledge them on this special day. So we created an I love you candy poster board for each of them.
Posted by kory and tina family at 8:38 PM 1 comments