Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last night our Cub Scout's had a "Cub-Annapolis" for pack meeting. Several weeks ago all boys were given the same size card board box to turn into some type of car. Here are a few of my favorites. This guy found a printable Nascar paper. They printed it and then cut the box to match. This is a CRAFTSMAN (see the letters on the bottom) lawn mower. I know NOTHING about electronics but this guy had head lights and tail lights that glowed. How awsome is that?

I love the detail on these two. Aren't they great. What AWSOME imaginations.
On your mark... get set... go!
The 2-3 boys according to dens started at the start/finish line. Half way through the fist lap the driver had to stop at his pit crew (his family). The pit crew had to wash the driver's windshield. Each boy wore some type of glasses or goggles. The pit crew had to spray them with water, dry them with a rag and then off they could go. On the 2nd lap they again had to stop at their pit crew for a refill. This was drinking an apple juice -juice box all gone and then they could again go. During the 3rd lap they again had to stop at the pit crew for a changing of tires. Each boy had to wear socks and laced shoes. The crew had to untie each shoe, remove them, take both socks off, flipped them inside out and then put everything back on including tieing both shoes. Then it was off to the finish line.


It was such a fun night. The boys and families had such a great time.

Hunter is turning 8 in just 9 days from today. I'm so excited for him to be apart of our Bear Den. I'm excited to be able to help him with some of the coolest things scouts do together. I know he's going to enjoy the scouting program.

Base Ball

It has begun....

In Prescott last year both Hunter and Madelyn participated in some form of Base Ball. This year Madelyn opted out but we signed Hunter up. This year like last he is on a machine pitch league. He had his 1st two practices this week and his 1st game is in about 12 days. Our coach this year has been a little unprepared. To start with I got the phone call of our 1st practice about 4 hours before. Practice was suppose to be from 4:30-6. We got there a bit before 4:30 along with 2 other boys and the coach finally showed up about 5. We're on a machine pitch league but didn't have the machine to practice with. We're practiving on a big green field so we didn't have any bases, no balls no roster to know how many boys were'nt there and just a lot of nothing. After Coach had them running from tree to tree to work out he then paired up the 6 boys (2 belong to the coach but only one is on the team) who were there. One of the boys brough his own ball and so that was used until the last 15 minutes when coach's wife showed up with more balls. Unfortunately Hunter got paired up with a little guy who wanted Hunter to throw the ball into his mitt covered out streched hand. Unfortunately when Hunter would miss his mitt he'd get upset and sit down, refusing to play. When this little guy would then throw the ball back to Hunter the ball didn't come any where near him to even try to catch. Needless to say there was a bit of disapointment and discouragement. Tonight was our 2nd practice. Things went a LITTLE better. The coach wasn't AS late. He had balls and the bats. He didn't have bases so used pieces of the catchers uniform to mark the spots. He brought the machine this time just to find we had no power to hook it up to. One of the father's present offered his generator and ran home and got it. This past summer I bought a base set at a garage sale for $7. I went home and got those for tonight too.
Coach remembered the roster tonight so we now know there are 10 on the team and 6 were there tonight. In Prescott we had 19 on our team. Soccer and Baseball overlap about 4 weeks I was told tonight. The mom who told me that said they'll only be coming when they don't have a soccer game or practice. This is why they weren't at the 1st practice. When Soccer's over then Baseball will become the #1 priority. A little odd to me, I understand what she's saying but I wonder how fair that is to the baseball teammates?

Hunter didn't hit very well during the 1st practice with the coach throwing the ball. This is always disapointing. Tonight, he made up for it. With the machine pitch he hit 4/5. He did great and was pleased with himself. He didn't want to go to practice tonight but after his performance with the great hits I think he'll be little more eager next week. They practice 2x a week for 2 hours each. Thats a bit more practicing then were use to. With me having scouts once a week on top of 2 practices now plus doing it on my own as Kory's at work. I'm VERY glad we didn't push Madelyn into playing this season. I'm not sure we could have done it.

I'm hoping we have a great season ahead of us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bloody Nose

Sunday morning Brayden joined our bed about 5am. He curled up next to me and quickly went back to sleep. I was awake laying in bed when about 7 Brayden sat up threw himself on me and went back to sleep. It was still dark but had enough light that before he landed on me I saw that his face was covered in something that reminded me of what he looks like after eaten brownies. Knowing we didn't eat brownies that morning or the previous evening and there is no way I would have put him to bed with such a messy face I rolled him back over and turned on the lamp. What a shock that was. He had smeared dried blood all over. It was on his face, his p.j's, on my p.j's, on the sheets and smeared all over my pillow! When he sat up his little nose started pouring out blood. He ended up having 4 bloody noses before church that starts at 1:00pm. The last one was about 5 minutes before we walked out the door. I wasn't too happy as blood got all over his church pants, church shirt and brand new tie I made for him and Hunter to match! I didn't even get a picture yet.
I debated sending him to Nursery but at the last minute decided to try. Lucky for his leaders and us NO bloody nose. Within 15 minutes of us getting home he had another bloody nose. He didn't get bonked or hit on the nose and most of the time it didn't look like he had even touched his nose. It just bled all on it's own. He had one more right before bed time and luckily hasn't had one since. My mom suggested that night that maybe he was dehydrated. We thought back to his diapers and realized he was able to wear the same diaper we put on him that morning after his bath until 7 pm. I would check him during the day and remember thinking he felt dry and how nice it was to have Kory around to help change the diapers. Well Kory hadn't changed any diapers his little body was just that dry. Before he went to bed that night we really tried forcing the fluids down him and monday we were more conscious of getting him to drink several times through out the day. I guess we did what his body needed as he's been just fine since. We've had A LOT more wet diapers (more than usuall) to change and no more bloody noses. Yippee!

Three Nanny Goats Gruff

Last week our princess participated in a 1st grade class play, Three Nanny Goats Gruff. She was so excited. She was asked to play Mrs. Butterfly. She was also asked to wear all BLACK so that her wings would "pop" out. She was so cute going through her closet trying to find all black clothes the night before. She was thrilled when I reminded her that her Aunt Christina had just recenly picked her up a pair of black sparkly tights that she had found on clearance. The night before she told me she wanted to look her best and asked if I would put curlers in her hair so she would be a beautiful butterfly. LOL

She is beautiful! Teacher had moved all the childrens desks out of the way and this was the set. She did an GREAT job with the back drop and all the props. I was very impressed.
Mrs. Butterfly again.
This is her and Mr. Butterfly doing ther parts.
Mr. Butterfly hated the costume and couldn't wait for the play to be over with.
Maddie loved this. She loves being in the lime light. She was even more excited to have so many people in the audience for her. Between the two performances both Grandma and Grandpa, GG, Emily, Brayden, Hunter and even Aunt Sheri and Uncle Jason came out to see her.

I am so impressed with Madelyn's teacher this year. She is just an awsome person and is great with her kids. When we first moved here I was a little dissapointed that my kids would be attending a public shool. I loved our Charter school in Prescott that had all the extra's. This year my children don't get to have art class with an art teacher or a music class with a music teacher once a week. At this school the extras are left up to the teacher to do. Madelyn's teacher does that.

Madelyn you did a superb job! We love you.

St. Patricks Day 2011

This year I did things a little different. The kids woke up to a basket of fun foods in green packaging. They had fruit snacks, chips, microwave popcorn, a box of crackers, mike n' ikes and apple juice- juice boxes. This cutie woke up and requested a four leaf clover hair do.

Uh???? This is what I came up with. It ended up being a 3 leaf clover but she was quite pleased with it. The picture really doesn't do it justice. I wanted to take her outside to have the natural light but it was a cold morning and I didn't want to venture outside in jammies quite yet. Come afternoon I just forgot.
Then this cutie, Miss Emily, wanted to show off her hair do that she had requested. She didn't want her hair to be a 3 leaf clover but wanted to wear the new hair clip I had made earlier that week.
For breakfast I forgot to take a picture of our green french toast that we had.

Kory was home and awake for lunch this day and asked for a breakfast food. With him working 5pm to 3am he ususally sleeps through breakfast and wakes up around lunch time and then eats lunch.
So we fixed GREEN swedish pancakes with real whipped cream tinted GREEN and had GREEN fruit kabobs for lunch.

St. Patty's day fell during our spring break this year. The kids had asked to do some projects. This is in one that we did. I forgot to take a picture of my kids final product so I'll show you this one that I found online that gave me the idea in the first place. Very easy project. They turned out cute too.
I also found this idea on line. We did not do this but I thought this would have made a fun teacher gift. Maybe next year I'll be more prepared.
I loved this idea I found online too. I was planning on having the kids do this one later in the day. I went to get my paper plates and realized they were gone. The week before Maddie brought home a note from her teacher asking for some donations of paint and paper plates to make their masks for there up coming play. I didn't send anything in becuase I was already making the 2 butterfly wings. 3 days in a row Maddie came home saying they couldn't make anything cause no one had brought any donations. Knowing I had what the teacher was after I sent everything I had. But come St. Patty's day my supplies for this project were gone.

Oh well. It was for a good cause. I'm definetly going to keep this idea to to do next year.

It's just too cute! I love the beard.

For dinner we had our annual tradition of Corned Beef and Cabbage. Oh my my I LOVE this dinner and so does my family. Somehow a picture of it slipped my mind again. I did remember to catch a picture of the dessert. Green Oreo Pudding with whipped cream and an oreo cookie on top.
Till next year.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Silver Reef

Todays plans were for the kids and I to go to Zion's and go hiking for the day.
However, yesterday my mom invited us to go with them to Leeds, Ut to an old Siver Ghost Town. The Ghost Town wasn't what we expected but we still had fun being together. Hunter loved posing by the signs.
Miss Emily.

We walked through the museum first. We saw clothes from that era, small rusty tools, guns and other items that was used back then. Almost on every surface there were signs that read, "Touch this and be fined $100." or on top on the glass tables holding smaller items, "Do not lean on glass, if breaks you get to pay $200". I found it interesting to read about some of the founding fathers of Leeds Ut but it was a little boring for the kids so before they damaged anything we quickly went to explore outside.

Madelyn is my photogenic child. She loves to pose whenever possible.

Emily liked the old rusted out wheel barrol.

Hunter enjoyed the climbing and jumping over all the old equipment.

The old mining railroad carts.

You think this air plane ever left the ground?

Miss Emily trying to smile while telling me the sun was in her eyes.

Did I mention Madelyn's love for posing for the camera?

I love you girl. Thanks for all the pictures.
It's great going to places that the kids can be "hands on".
They have more fun this way.

Spring Break Hike

After leaving the Silver Reefs Museum we drove up the road a mile or two for a little exploring.
Kory and Hunter are quite the explorers. This is them on top. This is Hanna and her friend Kilee with my girls following them.
Hunter wanted to check out those holes.

To get there we had plenty of rocks to climb over.

Emily wasn't to sure about being so high up above but quickly found the fun of brushing the dirt out onto everyone else.

Who knew how much fun crevices in a large rock could be.

Even the "big" girls had fun.

Brayden enjoying all the dirt.

We planned to be gone a few hours so made the preperations for a big picnic.

Grandpa sharing his oranges.

Look at all of us.
We had good weather.
Good food
and good company.
Now that winter's about over I'm so excited to plan more trips like this.

Burning Morning

Over the past couple of weeks Grandpa, GG pa and neighbors have been pruning their trees for this Spring. Since we're done pruning yesterday morning was set aside to burn what had been pruned. This is Perry (a neighbor) and my girls collecting wood to throw into the pile. Uncle Jason came out to help.
Madelyn picking up the sticks that had been dropped.

Once a great big pile and been made....

GG pa threw some lighter fluid and a match.

We had a great BIG bonfire. Didn't last long but the kids had fun participating.