Sunday, November 08, 2015

Fall Sports

Tis the season for Fall sports.

This was Emily's 1st year playing volleyball! Her team consisted of 3rd-5th graders. 
 She loved it!

At practice she was able to serve the volleyball over the net. 

During games she got pretty close but never did get it over the net.
 They won a few games, they lost a few games but she had fun doing it.

This is Madelyn's 4th year playing volleyball. 
Last year was a joke and I was really hoping with her on an older league we would have more of a success. I guess success can be measured in many ways. Last year she was the oldest on her team and had the most experience. Her coach used her as an assistant. She didn't care for playing with kids who were several years younger with no experience. 
This year she played on the 6th-8th grade team. Her being in 6th grade made her one of the youngest. Her and two other players were the only ones with experience. Her coach this year had never played volleyball, had never coached volleyball and her 3 girls on the team had never played either. Needless to say they didn't win a single game. At the tournament they lost the 1st round.

 Although I don't think she learned anything skills wise she did make new friends. She was the best server on the team. During one game she served 5 serves in a row and then had to rotate because a player can't serve more than 5 serves in a row. She was pretty pumped she had done that.

As if 2 practices on different nights a week and 3-4 games each Wednesday night wasn't enough for our family Brayden also played Soccer.

He loves soccer and won't play anything else now.

It's kind of funny being this kid rarely runs and when he does he complains about it.
I guess all the running in soccer is different in his little mind. 
His favorite position to play is goalie.

He too won a few games and lost a few. He's a little sad that soccer is over and is anxiously waiting for it to start back up again. 
I on the other hand am glad that 4 afternoon/evenings have freed up with the Fall sports 
coming to an end. Next up will be basketball. 

A New School Year

Can't believe our oldest is in the 7th grade. 
Where did the time go???
This is Hunter's last year at the intermediate school. 
He doesn't know what he wants to be at the moment but he knows he wants to make lots of money!
He loves all sports, being outside and of course playing on his ipod and other electronics.  

Madelyn has left elementary school...sniff..sniff.
She is in 6th grade now.
She is going to be playing the flute and is quite excited to learn it.
She too loves to be outside riding her bike, playing night games with the neighborhood kids or reading a good book. She wants to be a dentist when she grows up.

Emily is in 3rd grade!
She is excited to know that 2 of her good friends are in her class again this year.
These kids have recently discovered the TV show called Chuck. They watch an episode or two every day on Netflix. Thanks to Chuck she wants to be a Spy when she grows up.

Brayden is in the 1st grade.
I have been told that his teacher this year is the best of the best. So happy we have a good teacher this year. This little guy has lost his 2 front teeth! 

My little Kylie.
She's 3 now and tries to be such a big girl like her older siblings.
Now that Brayden is in school all day I'm looking forward to spending some one on one time with this sweetie!

Peach Day's

This was our 1st year participating in Peach Day's this year. Both girls decided to enter their latest art projects. 

Madelyn drew and colored with charcoal the owl canvas picture to hang in her room. 
A few weeks ago for Activity Day's she made a 3D hand art. She was given a blue ribbon for her canvas picture and a red ribbon for her hand art.

Emily also drew a picture for her room.
She received a red ribbon for her canvas picture.

When her cousin Rachel Cox spent a few day's with us during the summer the girls made their own 3D hand art. She was awarded another red ribbon!

We had a good time wandering around and seeing what awesome artists we have in our area.

We stumbled across a booth passing out free popsicles! Found us a little bench to get out of the sun and enjoy are cool treat!

11 1/2 inches

Our dear Grandma Joy is fighting her 3rd battle with cancer. This go round she is going through chemo and another type of drug that specifically fights breast cancer. Within the 1st 2 weeks of chemo treatments she lost her hair and began wearing wigs. 

Madelyn for some time has been considering cutting her hair and donating it to someone like Locks of Love, a company that makes wigs for children who have lost their hair due to treatments that fight their disease. Grandma loosing her hair and wanting a wig was the final push this little gal needed. 

Madelyn does not like short hair! So she wanted to make sure that when it was time to donate her long locks she would still have hair to play with.  

Look how long!
 Our beautician said the minimal to cut and donate was 7-8 inches but they prefer 10. 
 Madelyn donated 11 1/2 inches.

That's a lot of hair! 
She was a bit nervous seeing what was no longer attached.

It's still past her shoulders and she can pull it into a pony tail. 

There are times we like the shortness and how quickly it can be done.   
We also miss the long locks and all the hair do's we use to do. She's glad she donated her hair to someone who needs it. Since her hair cut she has mentioned a couple of times that she's never going to cut her hair again!

Sunday, November 01, 2015


Several weeks ago my sister, Sheri, asked me to take her family pictures. 
 Taking them on bleachers was a cool idea but I'm still not sure I love it for a background. I feel like in each picture the bleachers are a different shade of blue and it kind of bugs me. Oh well.....


When we were done with bleacher shots we went out on the football field to play with the tires. 

 This was the best of the three kids together. Babies are so hard!