Sunday, May 22, 2016

A new Primary Year

It's official! 
 Our nursery days are behind us. As the littlest enters the "big" Primary our oldest officially exits. 

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam!

Being the baby of the family....she's not spoiled at all! 

We have had lots of awesome families move out of our ward lately.
This little lady is now the only girl in her primary class. Her class has shrunk from 7-8 to 2-3. During the holiday's there were several Sunday's that she was the only one in class.  

Brayden and his class are now the oldest kids in Junior Primary.
He is so excited that Mom is his teacher this year.  

This kid sure loves to pose funny for pictures. 
He keeps us laughing! 

This is Madelyn's last year. In June when she has her birthday she will be leaving her Primary class early to attend Young Women's. Due to our small numbers in Primary the Presidency asks that those turning 12 this year still participate in the Primary Program in the Fall. After all the majority of them where in Singing Time most of the year to learn the songs. Makes me sad knowing Hunter won't be participating this year and will be this young ladies last year. My kids keep growing. 

Hunter wouldn't let me take a picture of him this morning. But he will now attend Sunday School. He's pretty excited for this new year, no more Primary meaning no more singing time or sharing time or being labeled part of the Primary. My kids are growing up. It seems they are constantly changing! It's going to take some time getting use to this. 

Christmas Break

During Christmas Break we took the kiddo's bowling. 

Brayden was so fun to watch. He was so serious about the game!

We laughed at Emily who sticks her tongue out during every turn.  

Hunter was winning. Couldn't keep the grin off his face!  

Kylie played some and ran around some.
She liked all the pretty balls but they were all a little too heavy for her to lift.  

By the end of game Dad came in first and Hunter 2nd. 
I love spending time with my family and the memories we are making. 
I wish Christmas Break would last forever!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Heaton Christmas Gathering

The day after Christmas Grandma Joy reserved the church for some fun. We played lots of different games. Here's Brayden all decked out and pulling Santa's sleigh. 

Here's Hunter made up to be a Snow Man. 

Everyone loves the cookie challenge.
Ruth and Madelyn.

Now for the gift exchange.

Brayden and Uncle Tim sure love to tease each other. 

Yeah for fire crackers and pop-its!

We ended the afternoon with a fun basketball game.

When we were ready to brave the outside world we went to the local indoor pool and tried swimming off those extra calories consumed today. 
Fun, fun!

Christmas 2015

It's Christmas Morning and it does appear that Santa Clause found our house last night. The boy and girl twins are for Emily. She has been asking for those for months! Kylie will be thrilled with her Elsa and Anna dolls. Brayden is going to love his Dinosaur that's almost as big as him. It roars, walks and shoots out darts!

 Looks like Santa got the memo that Hunter wanted a Rip-stick and 
Madelyn her very own Volleyball net.

Look at those cute kids! So excited to see what Santa brought!

Mean while snookem's here did not want to wake up.  

Eventually she too got caught up in the excitement. 
Her favorite stocking gift was a princess toothbrush. 

Emily loved the owl jewelry found in her stocking.

Brayden working so diligently with Dads knife to open that gigantic dinosaur.

"They came, Mom. Santa really is real!", said Emily. 
What does mom want? One more year of this magic with this special little girl?

Hunter was thrilled with the latest book released in his favorite book series. 

I love these people!
So glad they are mine.

Hunter loves playing the cello. Not wanting toys this year it was hard to decide what to get him. In the end we went with some new cello music. The books came with a c.d with different parts so he can play with the "whole" orchestra. He sounds awesome!

Madelyn's been wanting some new black boots! I've had them for months. She's been asking for weeks if we could go shopping for some new ones. So happy she has finally has them now. 

So happy!
Loves the rip-stick, his new clothes, baskett ball shoes and cello music. 

Madelyn is thrilled with her very own set of scriptures with her name on them. She loves her new clothes and boots!

Emily loves her twins! She got new clothes too. Daddy gave her a box of supplies to finally fix her broken bike. She's thrilled!

Brayden loves his huge dinosaur, his new legos and his book about sharks!

Miss Kylie loves her writing/coloring station but her love is the Elsa and Anna dolls. She too loves her new clothes because they have Elsa and pony's on them. 

Playing together with our new Christmas toys.

We love Magformers....

This year we stayed home for Christmas and didn't have anyone to join us. It was a Christmas feast of just us. It was a bit quiet but we enjoyed our day together. 

Merry Christmas!

2015 Christmas Eve

 It's Christmas Eve at our house...... The kids are so excited! Although Hunter is "pretending" he's not excited like everyone else. He's 12 ya know..... Apparently too old for the excitement anymore. 

It's always funny to me how the younger kids "forget" that their gift on Christmas Eve is a pair of new pajamas. Even Emily (9) kept going on and on about what it might possibly be. At first I thought she was just kidding but she really didn't remember! Hunter and Madelyn would like to change our tradition to pick out their own gift on Christmas Eve. I told them they could. I pulled out 5 gifts and told them they could choose one of the 5 to open despite the name on the box. Of course it was all the new pajama gifts. Hunter and Madelyn didn't think I was too funny!

Madelyn's pajamas were the hardest this year. She didn't want anything "babyish" she also wanted something in style like the capri style bottoms. Lucky for me a week before Christmas Justice had a sale on their p.j's. I picked hers up for less than $10 and they didn't matchy match the other girls so she was thrilled!

Madelyns favorite tradition on Christmas Eve is our photo shoot. 
How many different posses can we get!

When it was FINALLY......time for bed and the kids seemed tired enough to go to their beds they made a plate for Santa. Moldy carrots and all......

Christmas Cookies

The kids had been asking for several days to make Christmas sugar cookies. Our nights lately seem to fill up so quickly between school performances, activity day's, scouts and other things. 

Tonight was the night though! This mom made it work. Hunter was gone at a Scout function so he missed out but everyone else was home


Even our dad helped for a few minutes before running off to meet the scouts. 
Fun memories....