Saturday, April 29, 2017

Baseball Season

Another baseball season has come and gone.
Hunter chose not to play this year but Brayden was finally ready to give it a go. 
He says he had fun but doesn't like to run. He's not sure if he wants to do it again next season.  

My handsome little man. 

Swing, batta batta swing!! 

Glad he had a good season even if he doesn't like to run!

Brayden turns 8

My little man turned 8!!
He was so excited for this birthday.
This guy loves pancakes. He wanted 8 stacked pancakes with milk in our birthday goblet. He is such a laid back and easy minded child. He is so easily pleased. I love this little man.

Brayden wanted a bike for his birthday. Love his smile! 

Madelyn made him a cute candy gram poster! 
So fun... 

We had a late dinner so opted out of dessert. His big birthday party is this weekend and he will have his special cake then. 
Brayden is always so full of life. He's a happy and loving little guy. He's quick to give me hugs. I love on Saturday mornings how he comes running in and climbs into bed with us to "snuggle" his mom. Oh how I am going to miss these moments.  Brayden enjoys reading books but they have to be about bugs, spiders or animals. The bigger, the scarier or the most poisonous the better. He still enjoys playing with his army men, riding his bike, legos and of course XBox. 
Happy Birthday My Little Man!!
I love you.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Dinner

We invited all the local family to our house for Easter dinner.
Grandpa Grow and Pat came. 

Uncle Mark and Aunt Robin were also in town so they came too!
Sheri, Jason and kids came and also Matt and Miranda.
We also invited our next door neighbors David, Bekah and their two kids Dylan and Ava.
We had a FULL house with lots of yummy food.  

After dinner Hunter and Madelyn volunteered to hid the eggs for the younger kids. 
Emily, Hunter holding Jesse, Dylan with his basket on his head, Brayden, Jamie, Brionney, Kylie and Ava.  
Kylie, why the serious look?

Hunter helping Jesse!


And my Emily. She's 10 and informed me this will be her last year to participate in the egg hunt. What???? Why oh why do these kiddo's have to grown up? I just want them to stay little forever. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Morning

Twas the night before Easter and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse...... I don't know why but my little's seemed to be more excited this Easter than years in the past. In fact Emily wrote a little note for the Eater Bunny. 
Her note read;
Dear Easter Bunny
Thank you for our Easter gifts. Last year all of us liked it when you hid our gift's hard.
So this year we want you to hide them hard again please.
Thanks, Heaton Kids

Easter is so much more then the Easter Bunny and we strive so hard each year to remind our kids this. For that reason we really don't play up the Easter Bunny. He does come and he does leave a little something but that's about it. So I was quite caught off guard with everyone's excitement. Several days before Easter we read the scripture account of what Christ is doing or what is happening to him. We do our best at remembering the real reason we celebrate Easter. 

Little Miss Kylie. She got her very own package of candy. New panties, a new pair of slipper socks to protect those little toes on our cold floors, a church book and a pair of sunglasses.  

Sure love this sweet girl! 

 Mr. Brayden! He too got his own package of candy, a church book, water goggles for his upcoming swim lessons and a boomerang. 

That boomerang has kept this little man of mine busy for hours.

Madelyn got a box of whoppers candy. Her favorite! She too got a new church book about Queen Esther, book marks and some chalk hair dye. Her and some friends want to have a few streaks of color for the upcoming last day of school.  

Hunter also got a new church book, when Nephi and his family leaves Jerusalem. A box of microwave popcorn (his favorite), his own candy and a boomerang too.  

 This young lady also got her own package of candy, a new book and sunglasses. 

 Lucky girl! Her glasses came with their own little case. 
To their great delight the Easter Bunny hid all the baskets super hard this year. It took them a bit longer to find them this year. So fun.....

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Easter Eggs

This year we did something that I won't ever do again.... sniff, sniff. My bigger kids, aka Hunter and Madelyn, didn't show any desire to dye Easter eggs this year. So... I chose to do it on a Tuesday night while Daddy and the big kids were off to mutual. I missed them! It just wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my time with the three younger kids, we laughed, we teased each other but it just wasn't the same! I missed this little family tradition on dying Easter eggs together. 

Brayden tried making a dinosaur egg. He recently read a book about dinosaurs and he wanted spotted eggs like he had read about. This little boy of mine loves to read books about real animals, insects, dinosaurs and the such. The deadlier or scarier or more poisonous the better.  

This little girl just loved her chance to paint! 

Emily shine tonight. Being the oldest child home she loved stepping up and helping her younger siblings.  

I sure love my kiddo's!