Friday, April 13, 2018

Hunter turns 15!

This handsome young man turned 15!
I don't know where the time has gone. Seems like just yesterday he was a toddler at my feet. He was a little boy asking me to play dinosaurs, to push him on the swing, to do a puzzle with him or to paint with him. I miss him being little but I am enjoying these teenage years with him so far. He makes me laugh! Hunter is helpful. If asked he'll make dinner by himself, he'll do laundry he'll even clean the bathrooms.  He's been great to help us work on our remodel project with little complaint. 

I let Hunter skip school to take him to the DMV. How fun to get your permit ON your birthday!

He passed the written test and then passed his eye exam. 
He walked out holding his permit!

To celebrate I took him to lunch at his favorite restaraunt. La Pitta's Mexican Restaraunt. 

And then afterwards.... he drove us home! 
 Kylie is in afternoon kidnergarten so she was with us all morning. On the way home from lunch she sat in the back talking the whole way home. She had us both laughing! She was saying, "Good Job Hunter! You're driving so good!" and "Hunter your going the speed limit. That's awesome!" and "Hunter you are driving so good make sure you don't hit anything." and "Hunter remember I have school soon. So please drive safe. I don't want to be late!" and "Hunter, Did you know you could drive so good?" and "Hunter, now make sure you listen to Mom, she's been driving for forever ya know." and finally, "Hunter, please drive safe. I want to go to school today so please don't get in an accident." She was an absolute riot on our 4 min drive home. 

Hunter did a great job driving us home!