And like that our summer is over!
Oh how I wish I could bottle up my kids and keep them at their current ages.
I love these kids!
This young man is a Sophmore this year. How did this happen?
He gets to go to a new school this year, the ol' highschool!
He's not sure what he wants to be when he grows up. But he's leaning towards the medical field. He doesn't want to be a doctor that see's sick (coughing and throwing up) people and he'd prefer not to be a kid only doctor. He enjoys working with his hands! He's thinking maybe something like Sports Medicine.
This girl is a Freshman this year!
She loves to read and draw. It was no surprise to hear her say she wanted to be an author one day. She's talking about designing homes like an architect. But after all the work we've been doing on our house shes decided shed probably rather decorate than design houses for people to build.
Emily is officially out of elementary school.
She is our pet lover although we don't own any.
She would love to take care of animals. She gets to attend a diferent school this year, the Intermediate School.
This young man is going to be in 4th grade. He loves little kids. He loves playing with his younger cousins and is drawn to babies. He wants to be a baby doctor! He is also going to a new elementary school this year. His new school is a STEM school and so focuses more on science, technology, engineering and math. I hope he is going to love it!

When we were discussing what everyone wants to be when they grow up this young man piped up that he wanted to be the Prophet too! Wow! What an aspiring goal... can we call this a goal? When we talked about all the responsibilities that the Prohet has he said, "Well, maybe I need to be a seminary teacher first, then a Bishop and then I'll know if I still want to be the Prophet". I love this young man of mine. He obviously doesn't completely understand how our Prophet is chosen. But I love that he has the desire to aspire to be a future Prophet. President Monson passed away this January and now President Nelson is our latter day Prophet. We've had lots of discussions about Prophets around our house this year.
My baby girl is going to be gone all day long! She absolutely loved her kindergarten teacher last year and so wants to be one when she grows up. This little girl is going to go to the same school as Brayden this year. She's a little nervous to be gone all day and be at a new school but she is going to be great!
Hoping for an awesome new school year!