Friday, December 01, 2006


Thanksgiving this year took place in Alton, Ut. with Kory's family. Everyone was there except one sister-in-law and their 2 kids. It was a great time to catch up with everyone. We had a ham and a turkey with plenty of pies to go around.

As soon as dinner was over these three little rug rats (Hunter, cousin Anthony, Madelyn) decided it was time to go back to Grandmas house. As soon as anyone stood up one of these three was right there to stack their chair (dinner took place at the church). Before anyone new it the majority of the adults were no longer sitting and visting with one another but all standing up because their chair had been taken away. They were so very proud of themselves.

It's not often this many of us are all together. Mom decided since we were only missing 3 from the family to do a family picture. There are 9 kids. 8 of which are married and 29 grandkids. Who only knows when the next time will be when this many of us will be together.

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