Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tis' The Season

I finally broke down and pulled out the Christmas decorations. After setting up the tree and everything else I am anxious for Christmas to come. Hunter and Madelyn were so excited.

When we came home form Utah over Thanksgiving we had a van packed with gifts. They both keep asking when they can open them. Hunter will sing "Happy Birthday" to Madelyn and then asks if we can open presents now. He's just not quite understanding the process here.

They certainly have had fun with the tree. Hunter is constantly plugging the lights in. At least once a day I find them playing with the nativity scene. It is too cute to listen to them tell each other the Christmas Story. So , I've decided to not get all bent out of shape when I catch them playing with the figurines. I guess it's more imortant that they know the story then the still missing broken hand on Joseph and the donkey ear that has now been super glued back on 3 times.

We will be staying home for Christmas and I'm starting to like the idea. I think we will start up some of our own family traditons to carry on. This year is going to be quite fun watching our 3 year old and 2 year old.

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