Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Emily 1st baby food.

Emily is almost sleeping through the night. She generally goes to bed about 9 and doesn't wake up until about 4. I nurse her and then she sleeps until 8/9. She's been doing this for several weeks now.

Probably 1 1/2 weeks ago she started waking up twice during the night. I could still handle this. However, it seems during the past week she's been waking up more and more. She's not cold, no messy diaper it seems she just wants to nurse for 30 sec. (no lie) and falls back to sleep. 2 nights ago she was up every 2 hours. Last night she did the same thing. Every 2 hours almost on the dot. I'm hoping her problem is that she is waking up hungry. So we are now trying baby food. This afternoon she had pears and ate the entire little tub that I bought. I thought since she's not use to eating foods these little tubs would last for at least 2 feedings. I thought wrong she scarfed it down. Tonight I fed her baby cereal. This girl loves to eat. She opens her mouth for the spoon and she's not to bad at swallowing. She was quite unhappy when the cereal ran out. It was amazing to see how much she ate for her first day of baby food.

At her 2 month check up Emily weighed in at a little over 13 lbs. The doctor joked around saying as fast as this girl is growing she may weigh 20 lbs. at her 4 month check up. This coming tuesday is her apt. She's definitely getting big. If she's going to continue to eat like she has today theres a good chance she will be weighing in at 20 lbs. very soon. Hopefully her now full tummy will help her sleep very well tonight. Wish us luck.

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