Wednesday, April 11, 2007


We are still not living in our house but living with a friend. Our heat pump was suppose to be installed this past monday. The worker came out and said to pour a cement pad "about 4x4". That is was Kory did and it ended up being 4 inches to small. So monday he repoured the pad much to Hunter's delight (he wants to do more cement everyday). The installers said they'd be back either wed. or thur. Hopefully it will be TODAY. The county inspected the plumbing for our propane tank and it actually passed. Not that I was worried it was done wrong. It's just that nothing on this house has passed the first time. Kory says the contractor must of really annoyed the inspectors as everything has failed for an absurd reason. Like our back porch light was too bright. It was against county regulations. (Being we didn't have power to see exactly how bright it would have been and it was a 60w light bulb I don't think it would have been that bright.) I am hoping Kory can finish what ever needs to be done so I can call for our propane company to come turn our stove on. Once we have heat and stove I think we will move in. I'm hoping Kory can finish everything today as he is leaving for Safford today for a few days. It would be great to start living there. After the heat pump and stove all I will need is a working kitchen sink and dishwasher.

So we've started to un pack. Yesterday the girls room got completely finished. Beds our made, pictures our hung and window covering is on. It looks pretty cute. In Hunter's room everything is unpacked. His bed is made and everything is organized. I'm still looking for a twin bed for him (get him out of his toddler bed) and then I can look for a cute comfortor that will match his room. We have 2 more dinosaurs to paint on his wall and then I can start to hang his pictures.
I feel like we made good progress yesterday. Today I am working on the office and bathrooms.
It's been a little dificult trying to find places to put things that would normally be put in a garage. Forinstance a wheelbarrel, shovels and hoes, bags of cement, oil and filters for our vehicles. As for now they will be placed in a corner in our office until we get a little storage shed built.

If I get our computer set up I can post pictures of our newly decorated rooms and Hunter's birthday that took place on monday. It's hard to believe I have a 4 year old.

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