Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Headen out to the Arizona Strip.

Last week our family headed out to the Arizona Strip to help Kory's family brand. We camped out in the middle of nowhere. We hung our hats at night in some old sheep wagons that Kory's dad stayed in when he was a little boy. People have etched their names and dates they stayed in these wagons. The oldest date we could find was 1952.
This would be the outhouse. There wasn't any running water but at least we had some sort of privacy.
Hunter had too much fun kicken' the dirt around.

1 comment:

  1. Tina,
    I don't know if you remember me, I dropped some things off at your house for the Prestons YEARS ago... anyway, stumbled onto your blog through the Prestons blog and thought I would say Hello. You have some neat photos from your little trips. So fun!
