Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A Package for Uncle Travis

All day yesterday the kids and I were putting together Uncle Travis's Christmas package. He is still in Iraq and in order for him to get his gifts by Chirstmas the package must be sent by today.

Hunter and Madelyn made him a Christmas Tree using their hands, they decorated it and of course it had to have a star.

Uncle Travis needed some reindeer in his package.

We made several homeade goodies to send. One being 2 big hershey's kisses made out of rice krispie treats.
Where was Emily in all this? Eating the broken candy canes in her high chair.


  1. You, my dear, have the cutest kids!! I just want to eat them up!
    You are an example to me, you have the funnest ideas and you are such a wonderful mommy!!

    Love ya!

  2. what a fun mom you are. Your kids always get to make such fun stuff. I need to get on the ball. (i know I know, I always say that- actions speak louder than my words) lol
