Monday, January 28, 2008

Game Night

Friday night we invited 3 other couples over to play games. One couple got a babysitter. I think we were all a little envious of them. They were the only ones not having to chase kids around. We played several rounds of Uno Attack. The first round we followed the rules and the game lasted about 20 minutes. The following 3-4 games we followed most of the rules but said you could play doubles and play it out of turn. The games were lucky to last 5 minutes with 8 players.
You have to play Catch Phrase when you've got this many people together. This is a game that splits the players into 2 teams (women vs. men usually). The men won the 1st round. The women the 2nd. And the tie breaker was the MEN.

That night we also played Egyptian Rat Killer. This is a card game that Kory's family plays all the time together. I don't get the name but it is a fun game.

We had lots and lots of popcorn and cookies to go around. Thankyou all who came and participated. We had a great time and hope you did to. Till next time...


  1. I cannot believe that happened with your windshield. One time when I was like 19 I was driving out of town with a couple of friends and my whole back windshield just came out while I was going down the highway. I am so glad that no one was behind me cuz that could of been serious but it was so crazy!!!
    Anyway we had a blast Friday night and will have to do it soon. Still sorry for throwing the game piece at your hubby. We will have to do it again soon. Thanks!

  2. we need to do that more often. We still know NO ONE in our new ward (only been here 10 months!) We need to just start inviting people over for fun nights like that.
