Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's Snowing!

Monday morning we woke up to SNOW! We pulled out the gloves and hats and we all went outside. Kory had already gone to work so it was just the kids and I.
Emily wasn't to sure about it but she caught on pretty quickly.
We had a fun little snow ball fight.
We played for about 30 minutes outside and then we got a little cold. Maddie was even still in her pajama's.
We all came inside. I had Maddie get dressed. Fed everybody breakfast and then the kids went back out for another 45 minutes and played. I'm am so glad we played as early as we did. By lunch time most of the snow was gone. We sure had fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

  1. how fun. I'm glad we had christmas in cedar and then went to SLC that weekend. That is the only snow my kids saw. By next year they will have forgotten again. They never think they've seen snow. LOL But we sure don't see it very often.
    YOu are good to go play too, I would be a grumpy mom and make them stay inside because of the cold. LOL I need to be more Tina like...
