Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shingling The Roof

So the roofs been shingled for over 2 weeks now. I'm just late posting the picts. Hunter and Maddie wanted to climb up the ladder and help daddy. Maddie is definetly my girl. She didn't care for walking all over and was very content to just sit there and watch. Hunter on the other hand couldn't sit still. He was quite the helper to his dad. Daddy was constantly asking for his help with getting more shingles and staples for the gun. He has no fear.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! I would have a fit watching my kids on the roof. I am not usually much of a worrier, but I find myself getting worse with kids. I would definetly be a nervous wreck with that! :)
    Glad they had fun though!
