Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sheep's Bridge

We recently returned home from spending some time in Utah with family. The first few days we were there Hunter and Maddie both particitpated in a rodeo for 18 and under. I can't get the pictures transfered from cd to my computer for some reason. I'll have to post those when I get it figured out. I was quite impressed with my little cowgirl. After a couple of days in Kory's home town we then went to Hurricane to my mom's. While there she took us to Sheep's Bridge or as Hunter continues to call it London Bridges. There were plenty of rocks to climb on.
Lots of sandy beach to play in.
With plenty of frogs and tadpoles to be caught and released.

We found a nice shallow place that the kids could play in. The river was peaceful at this spot making it a good starting place with the innertubes.
Being we didn't have any life jacketts for the kids Aunt Hanna was great at keeping close to the kids.
They loved the current of the river and the mini rapids they were able to go over.

They were all a little nervous to begin with but after several hours they were going down by themselves. Of course Grandma, Mom and Aunt Hanna were close by.

Sheep's Bridge is a favorite spot that the youth go to often. I wish we had a place like this close by.

1 comment:

  1. oh that is so cute of them on their own lil' inner-tubes. I can't believe Carlaya is actually doing it, she is usually my lil' scaredy cat! Looks like a fun day out there- I wanna go!
