Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Maddie's 1st day of Preschool

Today was Madelyn's 1st day of Preschool. Several of us moms have gotten together to do preschool again this year. Maddie has school on Tue and Thur. from 8:30-11:30. There are 5 girls and 3 boys. All but one will be going to kindergarten next year. My kids kept asking for me to take a picture of them from behind. I'm assuming to show off their new backpacks this year.
Today Maddie learned about her body. She was traced and then she glued on different pieces to represent the body parts/organs she learned about today.
The yellow sponge represent her brain.
It's hard to see but there are 2 styrofoam balls for the eyes.
Marshmellows for the teeth.
Plastic bag taped to a straw that she could make the pretend lung expand and colapse by sucking or blowing into the straw.
Egg carton for the spine.
Red balloon for the heart.
Pink felt for the stomach.
Braided red yarn for the muscle.
Hard long pretzel for her bones.

She had fun and is excited for school again on Thursday.


  1. cute, they both look very cute!! So exciting!! Carlaya doesn't start school until after Labor Day :(, she just can't wait to go again! She definetly couldn't go to school at 8:30 in the morning though! I'd never get her up for that. I dread the day she is in SCHOOL that starts before 9. For her sake and mine!! LOL Neither one of us are morning people and I had a horrible attitude growing up when I had to get up early. So I am not looking foward to hers, I KNOW she'll have it!

  2. Okay, that outfit is the cutest ever on her. So darling. I think you should make them and sell them on eBay...:)
    The picture of her body...so cute...I think I may have to use that idea. I love it!!!

  3. Maddie looks so cute for school. You are so talented in making that outfit. I still need to come over sometime and learn how you make those cute hair bows. Oh and I love the body poster. That looks like so much fun.
