Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

OOPS!! I downloaded the picts backwards. We have all been busy the past week or two getting ready for Christmas. Last week I had Hunter's class party to do. It was fun but I'm glad it's over. Sometime last week we helped the kids make their annual gingerbread houses. This was mommy and Emily's house.
Hunter is quite proud of his. For some reason I didn't get his finished product picture.
Same with Maddie. I know I took the pictures but they didn't download and since then I've erased the picts so this is all I've got. We turned ice cream cones upside down and made them into trees.

Emily's favorite part was all the candy she got. Mom and Dad were too busy helping the other kids to notice that she downed 2 bowls of candy. She was very lucky she didn't get a stomach ache that night.

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