Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Thanksgiving 08'

For thanksgiving this year my parents and sister Hanna came to be with us. Kory's brother is getting married this coming weekend in Utah and we decided we didn't want to make 2 trips to Utah back to back. It was great having family come to us for some of the holiday. Several weekends ago we took the kids on a hike and collected pinecones for future projects. The above is suppose to be a turkey if you couldn't tell.
I've always done projects pretty regularly with the kids. Being I've got 2 in school I haven't been doing so many. I should start doing more again because Emily loves making things. Just like her older siblings did at her age. Emily loved gluing pom poms around her pinecone.

Both Maddie and Hunter's favorite was dribbling puff paint all over. Unfortunately I didn't get a very good picture of them so the turkey will have to do.

Besides the paint they had pom poms, feathers and lots and lots of glitter to choose from.

The kids kept Grandma busy reading them stories.

Hunter taught Grandpa how to play the Wii. Grandpa is not much into games but he sure played them all weekend. Besides the Wii several board games were also played. Grandpa has a big smile on his face. I think he enjoyed himself. Hunter had a blast being able to *teach* his Grandpa something.

While Hanna was here I helped her make an upcoming Christmas present. I didn't take a picture of the finished project because I don't want to spoil the suprise. But WOW!! Hanna did a great job. It turned out very, very nice. Good job Hanna.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! One of these years, we'll come see your house! LOL I felt bad we were with the Christensen's this year cause we would have been with you. But my mom was excited to have the 1st thanksgiving in her new house and we had ALL my dad's family and part of my mom's there! 43 people!! Crazy but so fun to see all of them together!

    You are too good with projects and your kids. I So could not ever do that, especially with a 2 year old! Crazy!, but good for you!
