Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mesa Easter Pageant

After dying the easter eggs on friday we loaded everyone up and headed down to Mesa. There we met Kory's cousin Saul and his family. They brought dinner for us and we all ate on blankets on the temple grounds waiting for the Easter Pageant to begin. This was our first year we attended the event. Before the show begins the characters/actors walk around and visit with the audience. Thanks to Tonya she was able to gather 8 of the 11 kids around the Roman Soldier for a group shot. We had a Johnson Family Reunion Saturday at a park where the kids had a blast. We had an easter egg hunt, games, canoeing, auction and lots of food to go around. We all had a great time visiting with extended family that we don't get to see often enough. I was dissapointed to discover my camera didn't make it for this trip so no picts of all the fun.

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