Friday, May 08, 2009

Brayden's 1st Photo Shoot

This morning I took Brayden to a very good friends house for his 1st photo shoot. April did an amazing job. I wasn't sure how well Brayden would be with us squishing him and constantly changing his position. To our delight he did an awsome job and was quite cooperative. These are a few of my favorites. O.K so there's more then just a few.

The above is one of my absolute favorites. I love the way he's curled up, just like newborns do.

The outfit above was one of the few I saved from Hunter. I had to get a picture of Brayden in it. It's also one of the few that his eye's are opened.

I love the way the above turned out. He looks so small.

All that hair!!

Isn't he cute!

I am so glad this picture turned out. Even though he now weighs over 8 lbs and is 21 inches long it shows his size compared to a baseball mitt. He will be 2weeks old on monday.

I saved his hat from his 1st and hopefully last helicopter ride. We had to get a picture of him wearing it without all the bells and whistles that came along with it. Thank you again April for such a great morning.
To see more pictures of Brayden you can go to my side bar of friends and click on Schultz family. From her blog click on A.S Photography (on the right hand side right above her buddie list) and then on Brayden's name.


  1. Those are SSSSOOOO cute! He is adorable.

  2. I love them all! What a cute baby! I hope I'll be bale to take some cute ones of our little one when he joins us! Thanks for the great ideas!

  3. He is so sweet! We are glad to see that he is doing well. So impressed with how great April is getting at taking pics. Wish I was there to have her do some of Treyson!

  4. Those pictures are adorable! What a fun photo shoot. He's so cute, congratulations!

  5. Tina-
    Those are some of the cutest pictures I have ever seen...I am so impressed! :)
    He is a keeper...angel baby :) We've walked your shoes and the experience is miraculous!

  6. Wow what a cute little boy he looks so much like Hunter. Congratulations, I am so glad he is home with you now. Those pics are so very cute, I love the one where is all scrunched up too.

  7. I love them Tina!!! I wish so badly that digitals were around or that we had one when Carlaya was born..... with Noah we just never thought to do it- well didn't know anyone with a GOOD camera. We didn't have the $$ to pay for pro's. But yeah- I love love love the baby pics. He is so precious. I'm jealous of all the adorable pics- you got good ones with Emily too! :)

  8. What a beautiful baby and family you have. Thanks Kory for stopping in to see us. I'll have your picture up soon on my blog. It was so good to catch up on all you are doing and see these pictures of your wonderful family.
