Monday, June 15, 2009

FHE of King Benjamin

I have gotten out of the habit of doing projects with the kids. Being I have had 2 in school they do plenty there. For several days though the kids have been asking to do a project. I decided I couldn't put them off any longer. So last monday I told the kids we would be do doing a big project as part of our family home evening. I prepared a short lesson on King Benjamin. Afterward we created the scene of King Benjamin teaching his people using popsicle sticks. This is the final project..

The girls were in charge of the tents and people..

While the boys were in charge of the tower. It turned into a fun family home evening. I wasn't sure how much they got from the lesson due to their excitement of the upcoming project. But they do remember what I was hoping to get across. The point being King Benjamin taught his not to "fight" with each other but to love and serve one another.


  1. Send some of those fun ideas my way!

  2. That is awesome. You did great guys!!! Love you tons.

  3. Looks like an awesome home evening. Keep up the good work!
