Monday, June 15, 2009

"Princess Party"

Maddie will be turning "5" next week. Her best friend Amber will be moving the end of this week so we held her birthday party this past saturday. Maddie with her best friend whom she will truly miss.

For one of the games I gave each of the girls a blank bingo card with princess stickers to decorate.
Maddies favorite game was "Kiss the Prince". I lathered each princess's lips with lipstick, blind folded them and watched to see who could kiss the prince on the cheek. I thought these girls were a little to young to kiss on the lips.

Maddie wanted to serve her princess friends fruit. So thats what we did. We a had tray full of strawberries, watermelon, honeydew and grapes.

What's a princess party without a princess cake. It turned out pretty cute I thought and Maddie loved it so that's all that counts! Happy Birthday big girl.

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