Sunday, July 12, 2009

Officially "5"

Maddie celebrated her birthday a few weeks before her actuall birthday so that her best friend Amber could be present before her family moved out of state. We still needed to acknowledge this special day for Maddie. I can't believe my baby is 5. She woke up to pancakes (her favorite breakfast). Kory is working some pretty late hours so we allowed Maddie to open her gifts after breakfast.

One of her gifts was paintbrush paints. I covered the table in paper and let the kids go. Amazingly it all stayed on the table with no accidents.
She was a sweet sister to let her siblings join in on the fun.
Her birthday happened to land on the last day of swim lessons for that session. She thought she was pretty special to have a swim party and popsicles on her birthday. Happy Birthday! We love you!

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