Monday, July 27, 2009


This past week was our last week of swim lessons. On the way out to the car Emily crawled into the pouch underneath the stroller (where you throw towels, a diaper bag, etc.). I use to push Hunter and Maddie around like this all the time. When we got to the van I took Braydens car seat off the stroller and started to strap him in. Being I took all the top weight off when Emily tried crawling out she tipped the stroller and fell face first. She scratched her nose, bit her upperlip and saw blood. My baby girl kinda freaks when she see's blood. Her lip was immediately swollen. It was twice this size by the time I got her home to put some ice on it. Hunter brought me the camera that night as I was putting her to bed and told me I should take her picture to show everyone her booboo.

1 comment:

  1. oh man! that's a good one! So sad.

    I love the pics you took at your mom's too. i just noticed those! :) Cute cute cute! I am like Emily- don't like my picture taken and don't ever look good in them!
