Monday, August 10, 2009

The Mountain

Saturday afternoon we took the kids and met some friends up the mountain. They brought there 4 Wheeler's to share. The girls loved it and were constantly asking for rides from anyone. Daddy said Hunter loves speed. He kept yelling Go Faster, Go Faster.
Brayden was in heaven being held almost the entire afternoon.

"Moose" is a great dog. Not being around little ones like mine he did fantastic. My kids loved putting his leash on and taking Moose where they wanted him to go.

Hunter and Sean were best buds! They gathered and collected all sorts of treasure from there many nature walks.
I was like usual the one behind the camera. I keep telling Kory he needs to take a turn every now and then or years from now we are going to wonder where I was. It was great to get out of town for a few hours and enjoy ourselves. It made for a great start to our weekend.

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