Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

For the Labor Day Weekend we spent a few days visiting family and friends. Brayden started teething AGAIN! Emily loves her Grandma.
It was Peach Day's in Hurricane so we headed to the parade. The girls got a kick of the mascotts that were walking in the parade.

It's been a long time since I've seen Smokey. The girls didn't know who he was.

Hunter and Grandpa were invited to ride in the wagon during the parade.

We have a new Home Depot that opened down the road from us. The kids thought is was great to see this.
Watching the parade was GG, GG Pa, Grandma, Hanna and I along with my parents foreign exchange student, Gabby and my kids.
A close up of Grandpa and Hunter.

Brayden did great watching from his stroller for most of the parade.

Friday night our good friends the Polotowicz Family joined us. These boys have sure missed each other.

Lot's of snow cones to go around.

Love cotton candy!

This a candy cannon. It was filled every 15minutes and then shot off. It was raining candy all over the grass. It was cool to see. I'd love to make one and use it for church activities and future family reunions.
More picts of our good friends.
Look at Kira. She is getting so big. She is soo cute.

More and more

and MORE snow cones. Thankyou Grandma!
Can't have a trip to Grandpa's with out riding the horses.
These cuties were thrilled that Grandpa allowed them to hold the reigns. Grandpa walked beside them but didn't lead the horse. The kids thought this was just great controlling the horse by themselves.

Even Miss Emily had her turn with Romeo.

Hunter has learned to whistle. Being this is new that's all we hear from this kid. He says he could tell Romeo what to do by whistling at him. It was fun to watch Hunter in the pasture. He'd start kicking at Romeo to go a little faster, Romeo would and then you'd hear Hunter yelling Whoa, Whoa. Hunter couldn't decide what he wanted, to go faster or not. It was great seeing my sister Sheri with her baby Jamie who is a little younger then Brayden. I wanted to take a pict of the babes together but apparently that thought stayed a thought. I guess next time...

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