Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny did find us this year despite what the kids thought. They were so worried that not being home this year they would miss out. Maddie was quite pleased with her new apron. Emily was so excited she wouldn't hold still for the picture. The Easter Bunny brought her new baby clothes for her doll Kierra. I hid Kierra a few days before we left for Utah so she would'nt get lost. Emily missed her but wasn't upset about it. Easter morning she was so excited that the Easter Bunny brought her a new baby that she named Emma. (huh?????) Same baby but now with 2 different names. I kept telling her that her baby was Kierra with new clothes on but she insists this baby is new and her name is Emma. Since we've been home she hasn't asked for Kierra.
Brayden wouldn't hold still for a picture either what with a new ball in front of him.

Hunter loved the tic-tac-toe game.

He kept all the grandkids and uncles playing that morning.

Happy Easter!

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