Saturday, May 29, 2010

Emily begins Gymnastics

Did you know that the YMCA offers scholarships? I didn't until just recently. After much consideration I picked up the paper work, filled it out, dropped it off and about a week later was contacted with the good news. We qualify!!!! Yeah. With the Y membership comes 1 gymnastic lesson a week per child. Emily had her 1st lesson this past week. We pulled out Maddie's old leotard and pants that she use to wear to dance for lil' miss. She was thrilled.
It's great that her best friends from across the street are all in the same class. Here they are looking at all the *cool* stuff on the other side of the wall.

The class started off by sitting on mats in a circle to do some stretching excersizes.

Emily loved the trampoline. This is her teacher who is showing/telling her how she wants Emily to jump down the tramp.

When she got off the tramp she continued in the course by rolling across the matt.

Walking the balance beam,

then we balance on one foot. Aunt Hanna was here to help her get started.
After the balancing act we started all over again.

In the end she got a high- five for her good work.
Good Job Emily!
I'm glad you want to go back.

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