Saturday, May 29, 2010

Maddie graduates from Kindergarten

Last frideay was the big day that my little girl graduated from Kindergarten. This is her walking into the auditorium for the big event. Unfortunately I always have issues with my camera in this building. My camera doesn't like movement or the kids standing under the spotlights. Madelyn has been so excited for this big day. She's been practicing the songs her class was going to be singing for weeks with the hand movements.

I really LOVE the kindergarten teachers we have been blessed to have 2 years in a row now. They have made learning fun for my children. I love the way they incorprate song and dance while teaching.
She has her diploma. YEAH!!!

Despite her excitement of the graduation we both shed a few tears. During the 20 min. song and dance performance I couldn't help but think of the growth my little one has made. She's reading, writing, she chooses her own friends, she's making good choices, she's becoming quite the little lady.
Congratulation's my little love bug. You did it!

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