Saturday, July 31, 2010

Swimming with the Stewart's

Thursday morning my kiddo's and I went to St. George to visit the Stewarts. We became friends with the Stewarts in Prescott Valley when our girls were just babies almost 6 years ago. The Stewarts moved to St. George about 5 days before the kids and I moved. It was great seeing old friends in a new place.
Renting a town house they have a huge pool that they shared with us.
Water fights
Brayden has no fear of the water. He just keeps walking in until it covers his mouth. Then he just stands there breathing through his nose and holding his breath. It was great having Missy there to help me watch my all to brave little boy so I could capture our time together with the camera.

Emily quickly claimed Brayden's float when he was tired of it and was able to follow the big kids around the pool.

Maddie loved swimming in the deep end with floaties on. We had a membership at the Y and so we went swimming in PV almost 2x a week. However no floaties are allowed at the Y making the kids stay in the kiddie pool where they could alway touch. It was great knowing my kids could touch everywhere but it did make it hard for them to try to swim on there own. Maddie was really enjoying herself being able to swim where she couldn't touch bottom.
Hunter, Connor, Jacqie, Tyler
Thank you Stewarts for the great time at the pool.
Till next time...


  1. i love your new family pic at the top! Very cute- great colors too!

    How funny to have friends move the same time as you....

  2. Swimming looks like a lot of fun and Emily seems to really be enjoying the pool wearing her water wings and playing with Brayden's inner tube.
