Thursday, September 02, 2010

Emily's 1st Day Of Preschool

I moved the kids and I to Utah a little before school started on purpose. One, I wanted the kids to be able to make friends with the primary kids in their class before school started. And two, I wanted to get to know other moms that may want to do a preschool with their 3/4 year olds. Starting up a preschool here wasn't as easy as I had hoped. I met with several moms the first couple of weeks I was here and thought I had a group together. However, I soon learned that many of them for one reason or another wasn't going to be able to participate. It's taken me a little while but I have found some other mom's and this time have had success. This week ended up being our 1st week of Preschool.
Emily was so EXCITED!Oops! Apparently not enough shade. Still had to squint.
So photogenic! The 1st week was a success. She enjoyed herself and likes school. Next week we will be having school at our house. She is excited to show off her toys to her new friends.
I love you Emily.

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