Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Silver Reef

Todays plans were for the kids and I to go to Zion's and go hiking for the day.
However, yesterday my mom invited us to go with them to Leeds, Ut to an old Siver Ghost Town. The Ghost Town wasn't what we expected but we still had fun being together. Hunter loved posing by the signs.
Miss Emily.

We walked through the museum first. We saw clothes from that era, small rusty tools, guns and other items that was used back then. Almost on every surface there were signs that read, "Touch this and be fined $100." or on top on the glass tables holding smaller items, "Do not lean on glass, if breaks you get to pay $200". I found it interesting to read about some of the founding fathers of Leeds Ut but it was a little boring for the kids so before they damaged anything we quickly went to explore outside.

Madelyn is my photogenic child. She loves to pose whenever possible.

Emily liked the old rusted out wheel barrol.

Hunter enjoyed the climbing and jumping over all the old equipment.

The old mining railroad carts.

You think this air plane ever left the ground?

Miss Emily trying to smile while telling me the sun was in her eyes.

Did I mention Madelyn's love for posing for the camera?

I love you girl. Thanks for all the pictures.
It's great going to places that the kids can be "hands on".
They have more fun this way.

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