Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kylie's Car Seat

Before Brayden was born I wanted to "re-do" his car seat. I don't remember what happened but needeless to say it never got done. When I discovered I was pregnant this go round I wanted to once again to redo the car seat to something a little more glorified, something unique. I wanted a "WOW" car seat that I had made!

 Many weeks ago an awsome friend gave me her old car seat that they won't be needing anymore. It's a typical, normal infant car seat that we've all seen around. It was neutral colors and just an average car seat.
 When we learned that I was pregnant with a girl I started searching for fabric. Being this will be our last baby I want it to be "girly".  Last time we went to Prescott I finally found some fabric that I wanted to use.
The past few days I have given the car seat a "re-do" and I absolutely LOVE it!!!
 It took me several days to accomplish but I've finally gotten in 100% done. It is ready to go.
 I love the hot pink/black. I love the frills. I just love everything about it.
 As with most projects I had to make a few changes along the way (like running out of the black fabric). But in the end I'm in love!
Kory's comment was "wow, that's bright.....but cute!" It is bright. It suprises me everytime I look at it how bright it is but I still love it! I definetly got my unique car seat that I was after. 

There are several tutorials out on the net that tell's you how to do it. I even found a pattern for sell on etsy. In the end I took the old covering off, took pictures of every little detail to help remind me how to put it all back together, with the help of my seam ripper I undid EVERY single stitch, layed it out on my freshly laundered fabric, cut, pinned and sewed. It took me 4 days to complete but it was so worth it. I now understand why sellers on Etsy are asking $80+ for a custom car seat cover. It wasn't always easy and there was a moment that I wanted to "bag" the project and just buy one off etsy from someone who had done this before. But... I'm glad I kept going. I love the way it turned out. I'm excited to put Kylie in it. Doesn't it look so much better than the old???

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