Tuesday, June 05, 2012

One week old...

It's hard to believe that Miss Kylie is one week old today. I'll admit I have a hard time saying this as she wasn't born until 11:30pm a week ago. I don't want to have to say she's a week old till tommorrow. Sounds silly I know!

This morning with a little extra help I gave Kylie her 1st official bath in the kitchen sink. We must have had the water at the perfect temp. as Kylie just layed there for several minutes in peace.  
 It wasn't until I started lifting her out of the water to soap her down that we heard her displeasure. 

Once we got her out of sink and into a towel she settled right down with the help of her binky.

 To finish off our monthly picture collage of this pregnancy we had to have a final one with baby girl. I know Kylie is little at her Dr's appt. yesterday she weighed 6'14. But holding her and loving on her it's amazing to think that she fit inside my body. I can't believe she was inside me just a week ago today. I have a hard time remembering her birthday already. Knowing my body wasn't doing a dang thing in prepartion of her birth I kept telling myself that she'd be born on June 7th, this coming thursday. When asked when she was born I have to stop and think about it because my 1st thoughts are June 7th, not May 29. I won't complain though. It's nice to know that I've already had one week recooperting from child birth than still being 2 days away from starting that process still.

Here she is after her bath. Nice and clean with fresh fuzzy hair.
I think we've got a binky baby again. Haven't had one of those since Hunter.  
She is just so stink'n cute. I just want to eat her up!

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