Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Cook Out

       Having family come up this past weekend we decided to do something a bit different saturday evening with who was here. We took everyone to Silver Maples for a cook out and to do a little shooting. With all the fires going on in the West we had some strict fire restrictions. Instead of doing a true dutch oven cook out we cooked using the dutchovens and a frying pan but placed them on our camp chef instead.

 Elena with mommy, Christina.
 Elena holding Kylie's bink in.
 Daddy, Jason, talking to Jamie. I love his dirty little nose!
 Dinner is finally served.
 The daddy's made sure each of the kids had ear plugs. Here's Kory helping Hunter.
 Uncle Travis with Elena.
 Kylie was quite fussy and I had a hard time taking pictures, I didn't get as many as I would have liked. I didn't even get a chance to shoot! 
 Uncle Jason brought up a homemade target stand they used. I took this picture at the beginning. By the end this guy was quite covered in bullett holes.
Despite the fussy baby it was fun to get away from the house even for just a few hours. It's always fun to eat outdoors and enjoy the warm weather we are having especially with extra company.

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