Monday, October 01, 2012

Emily turns 6

Miss Emily had a birthday last week.
She is now the big "6".
She woke up to our traditional pancakes with candles!

              For luch we had her favorite; lasagna, homemade rolls, fruit salad and corn on the cob.
 It was like Christmas at our house. This girl was spoiled! I guess that's what happens when big sister and brother earn money and want to buy her a present from them too. Loven' the brotherly love we've got going on here.
 Her birthday cake request was a barbie cake. Being I just did a barbie a few weeks ago I wanted to do this one differently. So searching on pinterest I saw something like this and copied it. I love the way it turned out!
 Miss Emily loved it too.

Happy Birthday Miss Emily!
We love you!

Facts about Emily
1. Likes to color
2. Loves to be read stories
3. Likes to watch 101 Dalmation's
4. Loves Barbies
5. Loves kindergarten
6. Loves the color pink
7.Likes to play outside
8. Loves to take bath's
9. Loves to change her baby sister's diaper's even when there's a present inside!
10. Likes to help mom in the kitchen

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