Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving this year was quite simple for me.
We had our great feast at Harmony's (Kory's sister)house.
We were asked to bring 2 pies and that was it. Like I said very easy this year.

My little baker put herself in charge of making the pies this year. She made my kids favorite chocolate chip pie and than helpd me make 2 lemon meringue's. Being we only needed 2 for the big family gathering we left one at home to eat on over the next few days.

 Here's Uncle Dusin holding his Izzy Bee (aka Elizabeth) and Uncle Jim holding my Kylie.
 Here's Uncle Mike and my hubby.
 Aunt Harmony's house was packed! They set up 4 extra tables. The majority of Kory's siblings (9 of them) were present except for 3. One of his sister's live in northern Utah and didn't make it. His other sister went to Nauvoo to spend the holiday with Grandma and Grandpa who are serving a mission. And his younger brother spent the holiday with his in-laws. They were all missed!
 After the big feast Uncle Dustin took those that wanted and played some games out in the back yard. This warmer weather is extremly unusual and we decided to make the most of it knowing it will be gone very shortly!
We had a great day spending the day with our extended family members.

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