Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Emily's Kindergarten Graduation

This picture is of Emily's 1st day of kindergarten, 9 months ago!

 This past friday was her very last day of kindergarten. I wanted to take a picture of her before school but instead got one when she got home. Friday was a fun outdoor water party for the class. She came home a mess! I still had my make shift photo studio set up and she asked me to take a picture of her in it instead of outside like the above.  Emily has grown so much this year. She is reading so well and was excited to recently finish her 1st chapter book.
 In the middle of last week Emily participated in her Kindergarten graduation.
 Beautiful girl!
 Dang camera has a hard time taking pictures in low lighing but here she is anyways giving her one liner.
 Between the children giving there parts they sang songs for us.
 One of the songs they sang was a child's version of the limbo song. They sang while trying to do the limbo using a bat.
 Here she is with her teachers. Mrs. Chamberlain on the left and the Aide Miss Andrea on the right. Love these women.
 My graduating Kindergartener standing by her silhouette and a bouquette of flowers from the family!
Let the summer begin for Miss Emily! Her older siblings still have school this week.

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