Saturday, July 06, 2013

Christensen Family Reunion

This weekend was our families 2nd Family Reunion that was planned this summer. This is a picture of my dad and his 10 siblings. My dad, David, is on the far right in the red shirt.

 The reunion this year was held in Manti, Utah.  Wanting to spend the 4th of July with Kory I missed out on the 1st day but was able to see most of those that attended on the second day and than came home today with my kiddo's!
 The 1st stop in Manti was the temple where I met up with my parents and some of my siblings.

 In front of the temple is a very steep hill. The kids along with Uncle Jason enjoyed rolling down the hill over and over again.
 Here's Madelyn, mid roll. Love the swinging hair motion!
 Hunter got going so fast that he went head first a few rolls!
 Here's cousin, Elena participating in the fun too.
 Here's Uncle Matt and cousin Brionney.
 After the temple we headed to the park for some lunch. We had pizza,
 and kool-aid
 and than Grandpa treated everyone with an ice cream bar.
 back row: Carlaya-9, Jamie-4, Emily-6, Noah-7, Brayden-4
front row: Mya-2, Elena-3, Madelyn-9, Brionney-1, Kylie-1, Hunter-10
 Litte boys always seems to find a way to play with water.
 Uncle Mat tried to take a rest at the park on the bench.
 Kylie enjoyed crawling on the grass.
 My parents built this house in Manti when I was just a baby. The gradkids wanted to drive by and see the house that their mom or dad use to live in a long, long time ago.
 At Uncle Rick's house in Manti, we set up some water fun. We had a wiggly water sprinkler and a slip n' slide.
 With 2 reunion's 2 weekends in a row and Grandma's camp in between that we are all very very tired. We've been busy and have played hard! Brayded fell asleep while waiting our turn to get dinner.
 Look at the family now. The room was full! It's amazing to see how the family has grown over the years. Grandma and Grandpa had 11 children, 60+ grandchildren and now over 120 great grand children.
 After dinner there was a few games and another family auction that raises money to help support the next reunion, like paper goods, toilet paper, etc.
 During the family auction Brayden fell asleep once agin on the folding chair.

It was so good to see my cousins. These are the cousins that I grew up with for a short time while living in Utah. I know this side of the family better than any other. It was fun to remenince and to catch up on all of our lives. It was fun to see our children playing together. It's odd to think that not to long ago it was us running around playing together and now we are the mom's of 5+ kids trying to keep tabs on everyone. I'm excited to think that we'll be having another reunion in 2 years in Utah. It seems most of the family lives in Utah so the reunion's held there are the most attended.

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