Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Emily turns 7!

This past sunday was Emily's 7th birthday. Where oh where does the time go?
For breakfast she requested rice n'eggs instead of the traditional pancakes. 

 One, Two, Three, Blow.......

After breakfast we rushed to get ready for church and headed out the door. Emily was quite suprised to see her Grandma and Grandpa join us during sacrament meeting. 
After church we headed home to celebrate this little girl's birthday! Uncle Matt and Aunt Hanna came too.

Love her expression! She didn't know she was getting a new bike. This year everyone got a new bike for their birthday. Emily wasn't going to get one being her bike is still relatively new from the last birthday and she still fits it. However this summer someone was backing their truck and trailer up and ended up running over her bike. She can still ride it however the handle bars are now all crooked and she doesn't like riding it. So she was quite surprised when Madelyn brought her new bike in!  

 Not sure what this face meant?

Love this candid I caught of Aunt Hanna and Madelyn during the party! 

 Say cheese just one more time Birthday Girl!

 Emily asked for a Barbie cake. I've done 2 barbie cakes in the past and wanted something a little different.

 Emily searched Pinterest for many day's and came up with a similar cake to this.
She loved it! I loved it! And she was thrilled she got to help make the rocks, the snails and the flower's. 

 Happy Birthday sweet Emily!

Showing off her birthday present from Aunt Hanna and Uncle Matt
Fake fingernails and stick on earings.

Facts about Emily
Loves riding her bike.
Likes to play with friends.
Favorite dinner is lasagna.
Favorite breakfast is french toast.
Favorite movie, It Takes Two
Favorite color is turquoise
Favorite toy to play with is babies and barbies.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Beautiful. Sorry we couldn't make it. Sounds like you had a great day. Love you lots,

    Aunt Sheri
