Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Snow Fall

It happened!
Last night we received our 1st real snow fall. We did get snow a few weeks ago but it melted that same day.  Today's will be a bit different.  I took these at sunrise this morning after my kids had left on the school bus.

The below bush usually cover's up that window. In fact this morning my kids said, "Hey mom did you know that shed had a window?"

About 9:00 this morning I snapped the below picture. That power line was arcing but I can't get the arc in the picture. The sun's hiding behind some dark clouds. We've got about 3 inches of snow now and over the next 3 day's could get up to another 3 inches. I mopped my floor yesterday! So not ready for the wet, slushy mess that will be tracked into my house. 
But I'm sure thankful for our deck that is fully loaded with ready firewood. 

Burr it's cold outside!

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