Saturday, December 28, 2013

Brother Jonathan and Family

My 2nd family that offered to be my guinea pigs!

I really love this family picture. Wish I had on of my own.

Aren't they cute! I love their color scheme.

This is one my most favorites. Total candid shot with mom looking back at the kids. I just love this one.

I really wanted this one to work out but it's just O.K. I think I needed to raise my focal point up. The kids are focused but mom and dad not so much. 

 Carlaya, a beautiful 9 year old.

Mya, she's 3 and would not look at the camera. She's a cutie though!

 Noah is 7. Handsome young man. He can be quite photogenic!

I'm happy with these pictures. I think these ones turned out pretty good. I've played with these ones a bit in photo shop. I had to learn how to adjust the hue on these. I think it's the leaves that casted a blue tint over everyone. Noah's face was the worse I think showing the blue hue. Having said that I don't see blue faces anymore.

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