Monday, December 30, 2013

Santa found us!

Christmas morning at 7:05 am.
Waiting so patiently for mom to turn on all the lights!

Madelyn's look of surprise to see Santa did bring her that Karaoke machine!

Santa brought some pretty complicated, sophisticated Lord of the Ring lego's too!

Proud new mom of the newest addition to the family, Cuddles!

Brayden wanted the purple Ninja Turtle. Santa snuck him in his stocking.

Santa also brought him his much anticipated Bat Man Cave.

 Santa brought Kylie her very own purse with a set of keys, and her favorite a hard plastic no push, no noise making cell phone!

Santa was good to us this year. Now on to some of the other gifts given/received this year....

Hunter was just a little excited to get some fun looking duct tape.

Madelyn is thrilled with a spirograph. It's amazing what can be created with this.

Brayden was so excited to have mom and dad open his gift to us. Look what he made in Preschool for us!
It's something that will be treasured for many years to come.

Kylie loved the baby bottles for her new baby. Mom hopes that now maybe she'll quit giving her baby doll's a drink of milk out of her real cup. 

Emily was thrilled with a pair of pretty boots.

Kylie and her new baby. This baby is all plastic. Instead of mom having to throw the babies in the washer because of the real milk offered to them she can now just rinse her off in the kitchen sink.

Madelyn was quite happy with her new necklace and earrings.

Mom's pretty happy with her new winter coat. Dad's quite ecstatic over his Vitamix. He's made a a slushy at lunch and ice cream after dinner every day since Christmas. He can't wait to try making soup, peanut butter and powder sugar. I think it was a hit for everyone! 

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