Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hunter's last Pinewood Derby

This past week we participated in our last Pinewood Derby, at least for the next 3 years.
Hunter came in 1st place his 1st year and 2nd place his 2nd year. This year being his last he decided he didn't care if his car was the fastest but he wanted the coolest. I think he succeeded. With all the hype still going on over the newly released Disney movie, Frozen, he chose to make Olaf. Dad was thrilled to help.

Here they are a few hours before the big event. Waiting for Olaf to dry and messing with the wheels.

Here they are at the church making last minute adjustments.

His car ended up being 4oz. too heavy. 
So they spent a few minutes drilling out some of the added lead. 

His car was definitely the best looking car.

On your mark, get set, go.......

His car wasn't the fastest in fact it was the slowest but it was coolest and the most cheered for car. 

Yeah for Hunter!! He still had a fun night.

Our treats for the night consisted of apple cars, oreo spare tires, pretzel axles and chip spare tires.

Brayden's favorite treats for the night was the apple/grape cars. 
They taste even better when they make noise. 

Every boy received a Derby Cup full of chocolate treats!

This month Hunter received more awards.
 He's been working on a few belt loops, his favorites to earn. 

Good Job Hunter! 

 Hunter enjoyed his last pinewood derby as a Cub Scout.
Can't believe this boy of mine is about to graduate from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.
Where has the time gone?

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