Friday, April 25, 2014

Daddy Daughter/ Mother n' Son

Earlier this month our elementary school had their annual Daddy, Daughter Dance.
My girls were so EXCITED!!
Daddy had to work that day in St. George so the girls got a ride down with 
an Uncle and their Dad met them there.

These two can be such "goof balls"!
Sure love em'.
Glad they had some time to spend with their dad all by themselves. These are the activities that they will always remember.

A few weeks later was the Mother n' Son Hoe-Down.
It was a big night that I was very much involved with. We served dutch oven potato's, chicken, sour dough biscuits and ice cream. After dinner we had our pictures taken and learned to line dance.
It was a great night for Hunter and I to spend some one-on-one time together.
I will sure miss these fun times at our next school next year. Hope they have something just as good!
I really believe that these kind of events are the ones that my children will remember having at school. 

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