Friday, April 25, 2014

Hunter and Baseball

The Baseball season has begun....
Hunter's 1st game in sunny and warm Kanab, Utah.

Here batter, batter batter..... 

He made it to 1st. After a few more hits from his teammates....
It's a home run and his fans go wild!

While in the outfield he got to play 2nd base.

While mom, dad and Madelyn are content to sit on the hard metal bleachers for 2.5 hours his younger siblings play behind us on the rocks.

The season has just begun and it's got me running. This young man has a 2 hour practice 3-4 nights a week  with 2 baseball games a week.  We won our 1st game and then lost our past 2. Hunter was bumped up to the Major league because players were needed. He is the youngest, shortest and smallest on the team. He practices hitting and catching in between school and his practices and many times on the weekend. I really hope all this practice will do him good and his coach will play him a little more. I did the score board at last nights game and was quite surprised to see that even the "best" players , the 7th graders (Hunter's in 5th) really struggled too. Sure hope he enjoy's this baseball season.

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