Monday, April 28, 2014

Playing with cousins

During our Easter weekend in Hurricane the kids seemed to spend most of their time outside. It was beautiful weather. My girls were so excited to open the box of summer clothes to pack with. 

Kylie is definitely one of ours. She loves to be outside.
She really loves spending time on Grandma and Grandpa's car's. 

Hunter and cousin Noah was trying to out beat each other with how many times they could jump keeping their balance. Neither one of them did very well, or so I thought until I tried doing it.
 I was lucky to get 2 jumps in! Pretty sure I'm glad I didn't let Hunter try to take my picture.
 Madelyn and cousin Carlaya tried to build a fort in an apricot tree. They used a wheel barrel to get their supplies back and forth

Going back to get more...

Using a hay string that was tied between 2 trees the kids played volleyball.
Boys vs. Girls

For fun the kids decided to do a "real" egg toss, like I did during my 4th grade Easter party.
With every toss caught they had to take one step back.

Someone got egg faced. He was a good sport!

Easter weekend is just not the same without being able to dye eggs together.

GG was able to sit at the table for a few minutes watching the kids dye their eggs. Too soon GGpa came back to get her to take her home.

We love spending Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Not all of us were able to make it this year and they were missed. Hopefully next year we can do it all again!

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